- C
Caldarone, Christopher
Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine
Christopher Caldarone
Christopher Caldarone
Cameron, Duke
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Cangut, Busra
Mount Sinai Hospital/NY
Caranasos, Thomas
Naples Comprehensive Health
Thomas Caranasos
Thomas Caranasos
Cardarelli, Marcelo
Johns Hopkins Children Center
Carpenter, Andrea
Joe R and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine - San Antonio
Carter, Yvonne
UNLV Department of Surgery
Casali, Gianluca
Johnson & Johnson MedTech
Cassivi, Stephen
Mayo Clinic, Division of Thoracic Surgery
Castro, Luis
Catarino, Pedro
Department of Cardiac Surgery, Smidt Heart Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Pedro Catarino
Pedro Catarino
Caus, Thierry
University Hospital Amiens-Picardie
Ceppa, DuyKhanh
Indiana University School of Medicine
Chang, Stephanie
NYU Langone Health
Char, Danton
Stanford University Medical School
Chatterjee, Subhasis
Baylor College of Medicine
Subhasis Chatterjee
Subhasis Chatterjee
Subhasis Chatterjee
Subhasis Chatterjee
Chauhan, Dhaval
WVU Medicine Children's Hospital
Chen, Edward
Duke University Medical Center
Cheng, Aaron
University of Washington Medical Center
Chen, Jonathan
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Jonathan Chen
Jonathan Chen
Chen, Qiudong (Kevin)
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Chidi, Alexis
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Alexis Chidi
Alexis Chidi
Chikwe, Joanna
Joanna Chikwe
Joanna Chikwe
Joanna Chikwe
Joanna Chikwe
Chiu, Stephen
Northwestern Medicine
Choi, Jae Woong
Seoul National University Hospital
Choi, Jeesoo
Royal Brompton Hospital
Cho, Peter
Drexel University College of Medicine
Chudgar, Neel
Montefiore Medical Center/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Ciullo, Anna
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Utah
Clarizia, Nadia
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Cleveland, Joseph
University of Colorado - Division of CT Surgery
Joseph Cleveland
Joseph Cleveland
Collins, Reagan
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Colson, Yolonda
Department of Surgery – Massachusetts General Hospital
Conner, Andrew
Cleveland Clinic
Cooke, David
University of California, Davis Health
David Cooke
David Cooke
David Cooke
Cools-Lartigue, Jonathan
McGill university
Corbin, Seana
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Coselli, Joseph
Baylor College of Medicine
Costantino, Christina
Massachusetts General Hospital
Cox, James
Northwestern University
Crabtree, Traves
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Creachbaum, Markus
The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital
Cremer, Paul
Northwestern Medicine
Crestanello, Juan
Mayo Clinic
Juan Crestanello
Juan Crestanello
Crisafi, Cheryl
Baystate Medical Center
Cubas, W Samir
Cardiovascular Surgery National Institute, Uruguay.
Cui, Yong
Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital (Affiliated People's Hospital)
Cummings, Amy
Cunningham, Carrie
Mass General Hospital
Carrie Cunningham
Carrie Cunningham
Currie, Maria
Stanford University